Wednesday, September 1, 2010

A Little Italy

I was looking through my recipe magazine and saw a recipe for calzones. I looked at it and then forged ahead on my own. They were quick, easy and tasty.

Calzones (inspired by EveryDay Food magazine but my own creation)

4 sausages, sweet or hot
1 medium yellow onion, chopped
1 can (28.8 oz) Italian-style tomates
oregano, bay leaves, white pepper, basil to taste
two tubes pizza dough
8 oz mozzerella cheese
coarse salt and pepper
olive oil

1. Remove sausages from the casings and roll them into small meatballs, about 6 meatballs per sausage. In a large saucepan, brown the sausages in olive oil. When they are almost browned, add chopped onion, cook until onions soften, about 4 minutes. Add can of tomatoes and juices. Stir and break up tomatoes as you go. Add spices to taste and simmer. Allow to cool (can be made ahead.)

2. Lightly grease two cookie sheets. Preheat the oven to 425. Unroll each tube of pizza dough and cut into four pieces. Flatten each piece of dough and fill with cheese and sauce mixture, leaving half and inch along the edges. Fold the dough over and press the edges shut. Place calzones on the cookie sheets and lightly brush with olive oil. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Bake for 10-15 minutes.

These were very fast and tasty. Both my guys loved them. You could fill them with almost anything. I had planned to add spinich but I forgot to buy cheese and had to run to the store and ran out of cooking time. They could easily be vegetarian. You could even make them smaller as appetizers. They're a wonderful, quick dinner accompanied by a salad.

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